Welcome to all GSRs in Area D Southern Region
Is your group registered with Area D?
Register, or amend an existing registration
Welcome to General Service! You are the link between your group and the General Service Structure of Alcoholics Anonymous including the National Office in Sydney. As GSR you now represent the voice of your AA Group’s conscience to the District, the Area (D) Assembly and ultimately to the General Service Conference held in Sydney. Through your elected District Committee Member and the Area D Delegate, you will become the two way link between your Group and AA as a whole. You are the reporter to your Group about discussions and changes within the Fellowship.
The GSR is perhaps the most important job in the entire service structure. You and your fellow GSRs all over the world have become the key to the Unity of AA. Your job will not only project the right of the individual member to be heard and acknowledged, but will ensure that any changes within AA come as a response to the needs of all AAs, and of the few.
The Role of the GSR
The General Service Representative (GSR) has the job of linking his/her Group with AA as a whole.
The GSR represents the Group at the District level and carries the Group’s Conscience to Area Assemblies.
The GSR reads the AA Around Australia newsletter, published by the General Service Office, and distributes relevant information to the Group.
The GSR keeps the Group informed about current issues at District and Area levels and, wherever possible, tries to ascertain the Group’s view and attitude on those issues.
The GSR has the ‘Right of Decision’ to vote on the Group’s behalf at District and Area Assemblies taking into account the Group’s desires and concerns together with any new information which becomes available in the process of those District or Area Assemblies.
The GSR reports back to the Group on decisions made, or still under consideration, at the District and Area Meetings that he/she has attended.
The Relationship of the GSR and the District
The GSR can be guided by the following outlines of duties which is intended as a simply guide:
- Attend District Meetings regularly
- Report on District experiences – sharing ideas or problems and solutions with other GSRs
- Participate in discussions so that the voice of the Group is heard and the Group Conscience is carried.
- Participate in discussions so that the voice of the Group is heard and the Group conscience is carried
- Participate in elections of their DCM
- Keep notes of District meetings to report to their Group
- Attend Area Assemblies and assist in preparation of Assembly agendas.
Note: For a full and detailed description of the role of the GSR please consult the AA pamphlet titled ‘Inside AA Australia’, ‘The Australian AA Service Manual’ and the ‘AA Guidelines’.
Other brochures to read include:
A.A. Tradition – How It Developed by Bill W.
Inside AA Australia
The General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous
(A GSR Pack will be provided for all new GSRs at their first Area D Assembly – including the above brochures and The Australian AA Group Handbook)
AA Service Structure in Australia – click to download
Role of the GSR – click to download